Português Inglês


We, from IMPORTA customs assistance, are ready to serve you and make sure that your foreign purchase is easy, fast, guaranteed and mainly, transparent.


Legalization and Transport

Through the business closing in the USA and the payment made, the importing authorization (LI) will be requested and given by the Foreign Trade Department (Decex). The process can bring about high fines, if this does not happen in the arrival in Brazil.

That is where IMPORTA acts, being in charge of the proceedings and necessary licenses to send the vehicle to Brazil. The next steps should be followed by the individual or the legal entity who is importing the car. In the first case, the value is smaller; however it is indispensable to prove compatible income with the expenses regarding the cost of the imported automobile.
Usually, the individual or legal entity contacts the foreign agencies of air and sea cargo, the Freight Forward, in order to arrange the board documentation of your car in the USA. After this procedure, the vehicle is transported and kept in a container of our company, in Miami, to a 12-day-trip approximately, from the board date.

After the boarding, your car remains deposited and waiting for 60 days, period known as “customs clearance”,  at the warehouse designed by IMPORTA, in the Port of Santos. The procedures are the same ones of the importations from Argentine and Uruguay. Nevertheless, the expenses are smaller due to the fact that they are neighbour countries. The buyer can choose between the sending by sea or by road, in a way that the freight of this second one has an equal or more expensive cost than the first’s one.


Value Statement

You can prove the value of the vehicle to the Federal Revenue, in Brazil, through purchase confirmations on internet ads, such as those of e-bay website, or through Title, a document of the vehicle’s transference, which must be notarized in the USA. The sum of this value, the taxes and the freight is the basis to calculate the cost of importation.

The value to be declared cannot be lower than the one paid for the vehicle abroad, once there is an antique automobile price list in Brazil, used as a reference by the Federal Revenue.
Given the difficulty in fixing the price of an antique automobile, which several times has a sentimental value, we follow the “Price Guide”, with prices adopted by the North-American market.


Importation Cost

See how simple it is. You just need to multiply the value of the car, paid abroad, by the 2,6 factor.

Besides the due taxes, it is included in the importation value all the expenses, since the business closing in the USA until the delivery in Brazil, including the full insurance.
All the information presented is part of the ‘’SIMULATION OF IMPORTATION”, which is always provided to our clients.


IMPORTA is the only company that brings your car with full insurance.


PS. Portaria (Order) 307 legalizes the importation of antiques automobiles which are 30 years or more.


São Paulo: R. São Tomé, 119 - 5° andar - Vila Olímpia - São Paulo - SP

Santos: R. General Câmara, 20 - 3° andar - Centro - Santos - SP

Copyright 2009 - Importa Assessoria em Comércio Exterior Ltda.

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